María del Refugio González


Nacida en 1907, en Tepatitlán de Morelos (Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco)

Ocupación: ama de casa

Hablante nativo de español. Educación: Escuela primaria. Sabe leer y escribir sin dificultad.

 M. del R. G. was the eldest of a family of a dozen or more children. She has acquired extensive experience as a storyteller while caring for younger brothers and sisters. Her repertory of tales is extremely large and includes anecdotes, formula tales, and occasionally a standard folktale. She explained that she learned these stories from her father when she was small and has remembered them from her childhood. She employs a variety of traditional narrative devices, some of which are not used by other informants. Her rate of speech is rapid-fire, a factor that has complicated transcribing her texts (Stanley Robe).


Registros de María del Refugio González en la base


"Los hermanos que se perdieron en el bosque"
"El burro y el buey"
"La escoba"
"Pedro de Urdemales"
"Juan el menso o El suegro"
"El borreguito o El chilar"


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