Domingo Jiménez


Nacido en 1910, en Vega de Alatorre (Vega de Alatorre, Veracruz)

Ocupación: peluquero

Hablante nativo de español. Educación: Escuela primaria (incompleta). No sabe escribir, pero sí leer.

 This serious informant is of a very humble social position. He left Vega de Alatorre because of that community's violence, although that condition has since quieted down. He now prefers to live in Tecolutla, where he considers the inhabitants more peaceful and tranquil. The informant was born at Vega de Alatorre, Veracruz, but moved to Tecolutla around 1950. His travels include the central and northern coast of Veracruz.


Registros de Domingo Jiménez en la base


"El jerguilla"
"El rey y el tacualero"
"Cuando Jesucristo andaba sobre la tierra"
"El piadoso anacoreta"
"Juan Diego"


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