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El tipo 550 - Bird, Horse and Princess (previously Search for the Golden Bird). se ha identificado en los siguientes relatos:

El pájaro de todos colores, por Eduviges Reyes, de Amapa, Nayarit

Casiminillo, por Victoriano Robledo, de Acatic, Jalisco

Los tres hijos del rey, por Pablo Alcántar, de San Bartolo, Jalisco

Tata Juan, por Genoveva González viuda de Barba, de Acatic, Jalisco



Información sobre este tipo cuentístico:

Description: The type combines two different introductory episodes with a common main part.
Introductory episodes:
(1) Every night an unknown thief steals a golden apple [F813.1.1] from the king's tree. The two elder princes fall asleep when they watch for the thief, but the youngest is successful. He sees a golden bird [B102.1] and shoots one of its colored (golden) feathers [H1471].
(2) A sick king can only be healed by the singing of a golden bird.
He orders a search for it [H1210.1, H1331.1, H1213, H1331.1.2, H1331.1.3].
Main part:
The three brothers go on a quest for the golden bird. The first two meet a fox (wolf) which they intend to shoot. The fox warns them against going to a pleasant inn in the village, but they go there nevertheless. Both of them forget their father and the bird.
The youngest son is kind to the fox, follows its advice, and finds the golden bird [L13, B313, B560, H1233.6]. Against the fox's advice he also takes its golden cage and thus wakes the guards. In order to save his life he has to go on a quest for a golden (magic) horse [B184.1]. Again, he also takes its golden bridle, so its guards awake, and he is condemned to death unless he brings a golden maiden (princess) [D961, N711.3, H1241, H1239.3]. With the fox's help [B435.1] he succeeds and finally reaches home with the golden princess, the golden horse, and the golden bird [H1242].
Against the fox's advice he releases his brothers from the gallows. They steal the bird, the horse, and the princess, and try to kill the youngest brother [WI54.12.3]. They pretend to their father that they have brought him the valuable things [K1932]. The fox saves the life of the youngest brother (by using water of life). The golden bird, the horse, and the princess identify him as the man who rescued them. (He marries the princess [L161]) and his brothers are punished.)
In some variants the king is healed by the bird's singing. Cf. Type 551.

Combinations: This type is usually combined with episodes of one or more other types, esp. 300, 301, 314, 531, 551, 780, and also 302, 303, 303A, 304, 329, 400, 461, 505, 513, 516, 530, and 707.

Remarks:This type occurs often in combination with Type 551, so many variants cannot be assigned to one or the other.

(Hans-Jörg Uther. The types of International Folktales. A Classification and Bibliography, Based on the System of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia-Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2004.)


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