Teresa López Soto


Nacida en 1939, en La Joya (Acajete, Veracruz)

Ocupación: comerciante (vendedora en mercado)

Hablante nativo de español. Educación: Ninguna. No sabe leer ni escribir.

 For less than a year she has been commuting to Perote, where she works. She has traveled to Veracruz and Jalapa in the state of Veracruz and to Tepeaca and Acatzingo in the state of Puebla. She considers La Joya her home and does not feel particularly at home in Perote. Her expression and manner of speech are clearly rural.


Registros de Teresa López Soto en la base


"Tío conejo y tío coyote"
"La flor de lararay"
"Los huerfanitos"


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