Cristóbal Reyes


Nacido en 1923, en Atotonilco el Alto (Atotonilco el Alto, Jalisco)

Ocupación: Sastre y cantor de la iglesia

Hablante nativo de español. Educación: Escuela primaria. Sabe leer y escribir sin dificultad.

 C.R. lives in a house on a street up on the hillside. There he works as a tailor. He invited me in and readily told stories. Reyes is a mestizo from Atotonilco, with a scanty beard. He customarily tells stories to the children of the town, who listen while he works. The two stories he recorded he said he had learned from his father, now deceased.


Registros de Cristóbal Reyes en la base


"El caballo encantado"
"El zahorí de pasojos"


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