Pedro Lomelí


Nacido en 1902, en Santa Elena (Atotonilco el Alto, Jalisco)

Ocupación: comerciante de grano

Hablante nativo de español. Educación: Escuela primaria. Sabe leer y escribir sin dificultad.

 He had spent three and a half months in the United States three years previously and wanted to return there because of the good wages paid. He had engaged in agricultural labor. This informant's voice is relatively high in pitch for a man's voice and not particularly strong in intensity. He knew traditional tales that he had heard as a child on the hacienda of Ciénega del Pastor near Atotonilco. He was an expert narrator and resented the comments of onlookers who criticized his choice of vocabulary.


Registros de Pedro Lomelí en la base


"Chico Miserias"
"Santa Teresita"


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