Índice tipológico - consulta específica


El tipo 332 - Godfather Death. (Including the previous Types 332A * and 332B*.) se ha identificado en los siguientes relatos:

El hambriento y la muerte, por Sebastián Morales, de Xalapa-Enríquez, Veracruz

Dios y San Antonio, por Sebastián Morales, de Xalapa-Enríquez, Veracruz



Información sobre este tipo cuentístico:

Description: A poor man with many children wants a (just) godfather for his newborn son. He refuses God (saint, devil) and chooses death (angel of death, plague) because he treats everyone alike [Z111, J486]. As a gift the father (son) receives the magic power of forecasting recovery or death, depending on whether death stands at the head or the foot of the sick person's bed [D1825.3.1]. Thus the man becomes a famous doctor and grows wealthy.
The doctor betrays death (several times): When promised wealth (the princess), the doctor turns the bed and thus saves the life of a person who was supposed to die [K557] (in the doctor's dying hour, death grants him time to say a last Paternoster, but the doctor does not finish the prayer [K551.1] - cf. Type 1199. Death tricks the doctor into finishing the prayer.)
In some variants, death shows the man his life-light in the underworld and suddenly extinguishes it [E765.1.3, K551.9]. Or the man attempts to lengthen his life by various means (usually without success). (Previously Type 332A *.) Cf. Type 1187.

Combinations: This type is usually combined with episodes of one or more other types, esp. 1199, and also 326, 330, 331, 334, 1164, and 1187.

Remarks:Documented in the 14th century.

(Hans-Jörg Uther. The types of International Folktales. A Classification and Bibliography, Based on the System of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia-Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2004.)


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