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El tipo 330 - The Smith and the Devil (previously The Smith Outwits the Devil). (Bonhomme Misere.) (Including the previous Types 330A-D and 330*.) se ha identificado en los siguientes relatos:

Pedro de Urdemales, por Cipriano RamĂ­rez, de Amapa, Nayarit

Chico Miserias, por Pedro LomelĂ­, de Mezcala, Jalisco



Información sobre este tipo cuentístico:

Description: A smith, who because of poverty (other reasons) sold his soul to the devil (death) [M211], gives shelter to Christ and St. Peter during their visit on earth [K1811]. In reward, three of his wishes shall be fulfilled [Q115] (cf. Type 750A). St. Peter warns him to wish for a place in paradise, but the smith wants a tree and a bench (chair) to which people stick and a knapsack that draws people into it [J2071, D1413.1, D1413.5, D1412.1] (a pack of cards with which he shall always win [N221], etc.). Cf. Type 753A.
When the devil (death) is about to carry the smith away, he sticks to the bench and the tree and has to give the smith more time to live (terminate the contract), or no one would be able to die [Z111.2]. At last the devil is put into the sack and beaten up (on the anvil) [K213].
The smith, tired of life, cannot go either to heaven or to hell [Q565]. He tricks St. Peter by pushing his knapsack into heaven, where it pulls him in [K2371.1.3] (throws his cards inside the gate of heaven and is permitted inside to pick them up).
In some variants the trickster-protagonist is an allegorical figure (e.g. Misery, Envy, Poverty) who traps the devil in a tree until the devil promises him immortality. Then he sets the devil free. (Previously Type 3300.)

Combinations: This type is usually combined with episodes of one or more other types, esp. 326, 332, 592, 753, 785, 804B, and 1159.

(Hans-Jörg Uther. The types of International Folktales. A Classification and Bibliography, Based on the System of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia-Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2004.)


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