Índice tipológico - consulta específica


El tipo 2023 - Little Ant Marries (previously Little Ant Finds a Penny, Buys New Clothes with it, and Sits in her Doorway). se ha identificado en los siguientes relatos:

La hormiga que se casó con el ratón, por Felícitas González, de Acatic, Jalisco

La hormiga y el ratón, por María Soledad Orozco, de Capilla de Guadalupe, Jalisco



Información sobre este tipo cuentístico:

Description: An ant (beetle, cockroach, grasshopper, snail, cat, etc.) finds some money, buys new clothes, and sits in her doorway. Many animals come by and ask her to marry them, in their characteristic voices. The ant chooses the mouse, because he is quiet.
When the mouse stirs the stew (wedding soup), he falls in the pot and drowns. When the ant discovers this, she weeps. The bird tears his own beak off, the seagull tears his own tail off, etc. [Z32.3].

(Hans-Jörg Uther. The types of International Folktales. A Classification and Bibliography, Based on the System of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia-Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2004.)


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