Aurelio Ochoa Ocaña


Nacido en 1900, en Alvarado (Alvarado, Veracruz)

Ocupación: comerciante (vendedor de pescado)

Hablante nativo de español. Educación: Escuela primaria. Sabe leer y escribir sin dificultad.

 Although he is thoroughly conversant with small-town traditions, the informant and his family are devout Protestants, a condition that no doubt affects his attitudes toward popular belief. His speech is clearly that of coastal Veracruz. The informant has always lived in lowland Veracruz, first in Alvarado, then in Cosamaloapan (twelve years), and the last thirty years in the city of Veracruz. He has traveled locally.


Registros de Aurelio Ochoa Ocaña en la base


"La llorona"


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