Juan Romo de Gutiérrez


Nacido en 1864, en Jalostotitlán (Jalostotitlán, Jalisco)

Ocupación: campesino (ahora indigente)

Hablante nativo de español. Educación: Ninguna. No sabe leer ni escribir.

 J. R. de G. has resided in the municipality of Jalostotitlan most of his life but has made five trips to the United States, spending, a total of four years, working in Missouri, Iowa, and California. His most regular work was on the Hacienda de la Llave near Valle de Guadalupe. This informant was very conscious of his advanced age and his inability to work. He remarked concerning the future: Larga vida, larga cuenta. Temo mucho el brinco. At the time of recording, he was begging on the streets.


Registros de Juan Romo de Gutiérrez en la base


"Juan Maetillo"


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