Índice tipológico - consulta específica


El tipo 2024* - Rabbit Borrows Money. se ha identificado en los siguientes relatos:

El cuento del conejito, por Camilo Villegas, de Amapa, Nayarit



Información sobre este tipo cuentístico:

Description: A rabbit borrows money from a beetle, a hen, a fox, a dog, a tiger, and a hunter. When the beetle asks for the money back, the rabbit tells him to wait behind to count the money. Instead, the hen eats the beetle, then the fox eats the hen, etc. [Z32.4].

(Hans-Jörg Uther. The types of International Folktales. A Classification and Bibliography, Based on the System of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia-Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2004.)


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