Índice tipológico - consulta específica


El tipo 101 - The Old Dog as Rescuer of the Child (Sheep). se ha identificado en los siguientes relatos:

El perro y el coyote, por Genoveva González viuda de Barba, de Acatic, Jalisco

El perro y el coyote, por Concepción Ramírez de Ojeda, de Valle de Guadalupe, Jalisco



Información sobre este tipo cuentístico:

Description: A farmer plans to kill his faithful old dog because it cannot work anymore. The wolf makes a plan to save the dog: The latter is to rescue the farmer's child from the wolf. The plan succeeds and the dog's life is spared. The wolf in return wants to steal the farmer's sheep. The dog refuses to help and loses the wolf's friendship [K231.1.3].

Combinations: 100, 102, and 103.

Remarks:Documented in combination with types 103 / 104 in Grimm, Kinder_ und Hausmärchen . Aesopic fable in combination with type 100 (Perry 1965, 596f. No. 701).

(Hans-Jörg Uther. The types of International Folktales. A Classification and Bibliography, Based on the System of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia-Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2004.)


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